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10 March 2016 - 15:45, by , in Relationships, No comments
Despite what fairy tales or romantic comedies might suggest, people who fall in love never go off into the sunset “happily ever after”. Matter of fact, most married people put forth continual effort in their marriages. Often the work is overwhelming and some begin to regret their mate selection and believe that if they only...
10 February 2016 - 10:29, by , in Happiness, No comments
In America, we spend over 11 billion dollars a year on elective cosmetic surgery and other procedures to enhance our appearance. Most women we see in media have NO facial lines. That means that they are either under 20 and haven’t developed wrinkles yet or they have had intervention to erase their wrinkles. Have you...
5 July 2015 - 13:29, by , in Happiness, No comments
One of the reasons people give up their New Years resolutions is that resolutions are for the future and change never happens there. It always happens in the NOW. This moment right here is the only one you can change. You can make plans to change in the future but true change only happens now....
29 May 2015 - 14:01, by , in Happiness, Worry and Anxiety, 1 comment
Do you keep a journal? Do you write about your accomplishments or challenges? Do you imagine posterity reading it someday? Well, I’m talking about an entirely different type of journal–the type you would not want ANYONE to read. I’m deadly serious! I encourage you to write at least a page a day and then as...
17 May 2015 - 10:34, by , in Money, No comments
You’ll be surprised to know the answer to this question is not a dollar amount.  It is spiritual. There are few things more crushing to the human spirit than money problems. And, funny thing, it doesn’t really matter whether you need fifty dollars or a million. The fundamental problem is exactly the same–it is living...
6 May 2015 - 20:19, by , in Parenting, No comments
No matter where I go in public I see children having temper tantrums. It has gotten to the point that I’m considering printing up cards that I can slip a frustrated parent in the moment that simply say “Call me…you don’t have to live this way.” Have you ever observed an elephant at the circus?...
28 April 2015 - 7:39, by , in Happiness, No comments
Philosopher Eckhart Tolle suggests that we study anything in nature to learn how to be. Look at a tree and see it respond slightly to its surroundings while at the same time remaining strong and immovable. Look at a river rock to see how it has gently yielded over time to the influence of water....
23 April 2015 - 14:22, by , in Happiness, No comments
You’ve heard it–people who excuse their flakiness by telling you how crazy their life is. They describe all the commitments they have, the people they’re trying to please, the deadlines they are up against, the lack of structure in their lives, and the incredible sacrifices they are making in order to have it all. You’ve...
14 April 2015 - 19:17, by , in Worry and Anxiety, No comments
I once had a client who worried herself sick every evening until her teenage child had returned home. As evening grew dark she started to create stories in her head about her child’s car having broken down. The imaginary scenes became darker and more sinister until after several hours she could only see the horror...
7 April 2015 - 22:19, by , in Inspiration, 1 comment
Early in my career I started to worry about my clients. I obsessed on their troubles searching for ways that I could be more helpful. I worried that I might be saying something wrong, that I didn’t know enough, that I wasn’t being directive enough or that I was being too directive and not letting...

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