Another Melt Down at the Grocery Store?
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6 May 2015 - 20:19, by , in Parenting, No comments

No matter where I go in public I see children having temper tantrums. It has gotten to the point that I’m considering printing up cards that I can slip a frustrated parent in the moment that simply say “Call me…you don’t have to live this way.”

Have you ever observed an elephant at the circus? When you see a 4 ton elephant jump up on a box, stand on its hind quarters and dance you know that someone taught him how to do that. That is not something that elephants are naturally inclined to do. Parents, if an elephant can be taught to dance, a child can be taught to behave appropriately at the grocery store.

Keepers of elephants learn very early that if an elephant makes a behavior mistake it is really the handler’s mistake. The handler failed to properly cue the elephant to respond in the correct manner. The same thing applies to your children…it’s the handler’s mistake. You have either failed to teach the correct way of behaving at the grocery store OR you have inadvertently TAUGHT your child to have tantrums.

Are you feeling defensive and angry with me? See if you can get past your reaction long enough to imagine how wonderful it will feel to take your toddler to the grocery store without them head banging the floor in the check out isle.

In one 60 minute session, I can teach you to teach your child how to behave at the grocery store. Or get a group of friends together and have me teach you all how to do it. Even better yet, meet me at the grocery store with your toddler and I will coach you through it. Really, you don’t have to live this way!

About author:
For over 20 years I’ve been helping people like you with families just like yours to be happier with life and happier together. I’m not just a therapist but a wife, mother, and grandmother too! I believe loving relationships are the foundation of all happiness. I promote balanced, healthy, sane living and loving.

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